About Me

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JMA The Jesse Michealangelo Anim. Member of DopeBoyz Student At Barking Abbey Studying Media Studies,Photography , Business and ICT. I Enjoy socialising with people either over the internet or physical, I am a very odd person but in a good way ive been told lol! The guy with the Hightop they call me ;) Im Currently in Year 12. Blackstar Ghanaian Not your average type. Im on some next hype, I Love to Enjoy my life..CHRISTIAN 4 LIFE! Im looking forward to Passing Media Studies with a Banging Grade Want to Know More Just Get At Me ;) jmichealangelo@hotmail.co.uk

Sunday 31 October 2010

My First Idea

                                      No Mercy

Opening Scene
Gun is being placed into a plastic bag and into the backpack whiles the credits are appearing.
Bag been worn on the shoulder, person picks up orange bandanna and exits the door.
Now down the road to school and enters the school premises.
Fades Blackout
Shaniqua smiles at everyone in school that she passes by.
RimgRing the first bell just went off... Precious comes running up to Shaniqua
Saying let’s go we got Business Studies now. Shanique replies Baby girl i cant be bothered with Business today I will catch you next lesson Iyte. Precious runs off
Shaniqua walks to her locker and inserts her backpack carefully into her locker.
Then the boy that she in love with walks towards her. POW he gave her a little punch like why didn't you call me last night. I was proper waiting for your call B.
Her face changes she looks utterly confused she replies when on earth did you tell me to call you?
As he is about to reply the head teacher calls him out...He walks out very slowly.
Shaniqua was checking the environment every single second and she watched her watch like tomorrow wasn't going to come.
She pulls out a orange bandanna out of her bra and puts it into her locked. With wide, scary eyes she looking around the room to make sure it's secure.
She locked her locker and walked towards her 2nd Lesson. There she sees precious coming toward her, she was the only girl she hanged around with in school.
Precious approaches her and goes Aaaah Business studies was dead out but still what's your  family saying? 
Shaniqua replies there all selfish bastards; tell me about it Precious replies.
Whats Ruff Sqaud saying then? Shaniqua goes them man are all blessed, real family out there but someone is going to die today.
Precious laughhsss.... Wait are you being for real?
Shaniqua grins and says watch and learn this is what you get for representing the other side and chatting my endz. Who are you talking about? Precious replies 
Shaniqua Shaniqua who are you talking about man??
She replies Christal.    Precious replies Oh!Her.. I Kind of knew she was on the road things just wasn't sure what she was repping.

Break Time now....
Shaniqua runs to her locker opens and her bag is gone. Damn she whispered
she started panicking she looks across the room and sees her Loverboy with her bag, she runs to him and demands the bag back. He then goes you need to give me something in return because someone else could have stole your bag so its either you lips me or your bag is getting opened and emptied out. 
She had no choice because the bag container important items so she took him to a corner and did what she had to do.
She got her bag back and checked her watch it was 11.35Am on the dot then she said to herself 
Christal should be arriving to school in exactly 5 minutes and she won’t be seeing her first lesson boy!   She grinned
She hooded her head up when she got outside the room and walked to the area
in the school were there wasn't any sight of CCTV.
She strapped the gun down her trousers like in the movies.
Then she picked her Blackberry from her pocket and made a call to one of her gang brothers saying: 
Yo, Covenant you man come now. We’re going to catch the girl slipping in my school the person on the line started calling out different names. 5 Minutes later when lesson started and no one was walking 
Then about 15 hooded up guys ran into the school premises.
The first sight they saw Christal grabbed her and rushed her until she was bleeding then Shaniqua 
came running she stood still and said "God in Heaven Forgive Me".
Two shots hit Christal to the chest.
That was it 
It was over they scattered different directions outside the school even Shaniqua.
She purposely dropped a orange bandannna over Christal's body before running off.
Same day Headline "Beautiful girl shot dead in school"

Wednesday 20 October 2010

News Research & Ideas

20-year-old student named police chief in Mexico town
She was the only one to accept job in violence-wracked part of country

The Girl who is Police Chief and i controlling everything from phones and computers
And sets commands

The story could be a 20 year old girl who is police chief and is confused on the job at first but then discovers things and takes action to save to neighbourhood and make it a safer environment. Fighting criminals and doing good deals by solving the drugs related issues.
Opening sequence related to our school environment could be a girl walking through a door of a police office , looking kind of nervous. With a adventurous kind of music to make the viewer wonder why would that kind of music be playing in this kind of scene. Then the camera just watches the door shut behind the girl and the girl walks to her desk to start her work. The Genre would be action, romance and family. And of the female's in our group could play this role and the opening sequence would stop exaclty at the point were she sits behind the computer to make the viewer wonder whats she doing there... is she a police?criminal? or who is she? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39760545/ns/world_news-americas/

Kanye West Talks Near Suicide
Kanye West reveals that he was suicidal after the avalanche of bad press he got following his 2009 MTV Video Music Awards outburst at Taylor Swift. He was also depressed over his mom’s tragic death in 2007.

The Story would start of as someone acting as Kanye West “ME”. And it just goes through his life like Autobiography like to him becoming famous because he was a college drop out and that could be played.
Opening sequence would be Actor on the floor and it rewinds back to were the actor stands up and takes out the injection out of his arm and walks back out of the door. It would then lead on to telling the story of how his life was and what happened after his mother had died. Genre : Autobiography & Drama.