About Me

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JMA The Jesse Michealangelo Anim. Member of DopeBoyz Student At Barking Abbey Studying Media Studies,Photography , Business and ICT. I Enjoy socialising with people either over the internet or physical, I am a very odd person but in a good way ive been told lol! The guy with the Hightop they call me ;) Im Currently in Year 12. Blackstar Ghanaian Not your average type. Im on some next hype, I Love to Enjoy my life..CHRISTIAN 4 LIFE! Im looking forward to Passing Media Studies with a Banging Grade Want to Know More Just Get At Me ;) jmichealangelo@hotmail.co.uk

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Location Reece

Location Recce
In the beginning we spent a lot of time trying to figure where our location would be.

Thought process

1st idea- Park
Advantages- there would hardly be anyone there, so it will be easy to film. There is a park that is just near the school, so it is close. We wanted to show the main character walking to school at this location. We wouldn’t need permission to film at this location.

Disadvantage- It would be difficult to move the equipment around and the equipment would, also be in danger of being stolen. We would be outside, so it would rain.

2nd idea- The road outside of school 

Advantages- It’s close to school and if it starts to rain we could easily go back into school. This location was also going to be used in order to show the main character on her journey to school.    We also wouldn’t need permission for this location because we have already been told that we could film outside.

Disadvantage- Due to the fact that were so close to school students could easily come out in order to disrupt the filming. During break and lunch times or when students are going in-between lessons the noise could be too much.

In the kitchen

The only prop we needed for this part of the location was milk and a class. This was due to the fact that there were no pictures in the kitchen or any other props that could affect the realism of the opening sequence. However there were large windows in the kitchen that allowed a lot of light to come in, so we would have to worry about lighting and how it would affect continuity while filming.

In the bedroom

This would be difficult because the two girls in the group would have to bring in things from their houses in order for the room to look like it belonged to a girl. This was a practical issue because we all go to school and it would be extremely heavy for the girls to take their school stuff and personal belongings to school. This situation could be easily talked if we ask josh if we could bring things to his house little by little during the week.

In the bathroom

This location was completely fine because there were no props that would disrupt the film. This location was perfect because it already had some of the props we needed in it e.g. toothpaste. Deborah however would have to bring her own toothbrush.


Josh would have to ask his mum if we could use the house on the day we need it. Josh’s parents would need to be out of the house as well while we were filming in the house. Josh also had a dog which could cause a problem, so we would need to ask Josh if he could do anything about that.

Issues with the house

The house seemed a bit to posh for someone who was meant to be quite ghetto or bullied. We decided that this how how different she is to her family because she looks out of place in her hoodie and leggings. There were many polished surfaces in the house, so we had to make sure that there were no reflections of us.


The whether has already been checked for the day of filming. It isn’t raining on the day of filming in the mourning, which was the only time we were filming outside. House noises e.g. fridge noise would be alright because they are natural sounds you would hear in a house.

Research on Freedom writers

It is based on the book The Freedom Writers Diary by teacher Erin Gruwell who wrote the story based on Woodrow Wilson Classical High School in Long Beach, California. The title is a play on the term "Freedom Riders", referring to the multiracial civil rights activists who tested the U.S. Supreme Court decision ordering the desegregation of interstate buses in 1961.

Looked at the theme of this movie and got inspiration to have it based in a schhol area because it makes it look for casual and it then plays as shool drama. The poster shows the face of a girl smiling which is what the character Nikki is like but behind the smile she's hiding a lot.

Its biography,crime and drama which all takes places in out final product thats why we decided to take a look at this film and see what we could add on the make out film better

Monday 13 December 2010

Research on Music

Old School Rap
Paino Play

Looking at the genre we are relating to we had the idea of making the opening sequence start with a kind of old school beta mixed up with piano play to make it not seem to ghetto because she is a normal girl but just living a life whereby she struggles and does not know what to do so we looking to add the beat to make it more relate to the teenage days and the piano to make the tragedy fall in when she pulls out the knife in the kitchen.
There is plenty of other slow piano plays that I found in my research of music.

Research on Props & Characters

Freedom writes has the theme of living a school life which we is going play a major part in our sequence.
And how things just go all wrong all of a sudden this is the way we want to play out opening scene out also the character of the girl in the life she living is how we want to make "Nikki" be presented to the audience someone with struggles and just doesnt know how to handle them and is very scared.
There are many characters in the film that can relate to her friends around her.

Cast List

Cast List

Camera Man: Jesse Michealangelo Anim

Director: Josh Whincup

Assistant Director: Jesse Anim

Actress: Deborah Oyelade

Continuity: Abigail Fajobi

Sound: Mark Fish

The reasons why each of us were assigned this job in the production is because I as a camera had a good idea of how to take control of the camera and looking at the way I used the camera in the Prelim task I felt confident to make use of the camera again.
Josh was assigned Director mainly because he is the one that knows how to tackle on a task and tell people what to do so he had the power to direct everyone and himself to make this production successfull.
Deborah was the right material for the character so she was assigned as the actress. Looking at the attitude and physical looks we could picture our character.
The coninuity job was assigned to Abigail because she had the right mind and perspective to make the continuity flow properly and make our film look outstanding and as result she did make this happen so she was given the right job.
Mark Fish from the music department did our music because we needed someone that could make music and make use of it for our sequence. We wasnt allowed to copyright music so having someone that could make it would make things easier and it did.
In all the cast list was perfect we came out with the best sequence in all
and the team work worked perfectly fine. We got along and complimented
eachother whilse doing this sequence.

Planning on camera shots & character in Kill Bill Vol.1


Kill Bill Vol.1 opening scene is absolutly brilliant the way it opens in with her all bleeding and her face all demolished then we see footsteps walking in , not knowing who on earth it is.
But the camera shot of her face close up and the opening scene is in black and white thats what were planning to do in our sequence to have the opening sequence in black and white however we are planning to do the opposite of Kill Bill to make the opening all normal and casual and then the
drama happens in after. She is the type that looks quite vicious and violent but at the beginning she a very kind innocent woman thats the same way we feel about our character until she pulls out the knife from the drawer.

Research on Setting in Shank (Equilibrium)

An action film for the youth generation, set in a decaying future London. A gang set out on a chase to avenge the murder of one of their own

Shank is one of the movies that our sequence relates to especially the setting of the movie is equilibrium
because everything starts out very fine and nice and the scene then turns into something that wasnt really expected. This is same way our sequence is going to follow with the character waking up on a normal morning and does everything any usual person does in the moring UNTIL she grabbs the knife in the kitchen.
Its all based around teenage kids of today not to be judgemental but this is what we mostly hear about now adays.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Research On Kidulthood

There are graphic scenes of drug-taking, violence, casual sex and organised crime. The characters are all 15. The film opens with a middle-class schoolgirl being horrifically bullied in a classroom. When her preoccupied businessman father picks up her from school, he fails to spot the bruises. Ten minutes later, she has hanged herself. In another sequence two girls trade sexual favours with older men for pocket money to spend at Topshop. A young black boy cuts a man's throat to impress his drug-dealer uncle. Running parallel, however, are story- lines about coping with bad skin and how to choose your friends wisely.

This the kind of Atmosphere that plays in our story
A middle class girl that gets bullied horrifically in her school and in this case she kills herself
with the fire weapon because she cant take it anymore.



Music: Hip-hop Rap – Post Production

Nikki’s face is not exposed through out the whole opening sequence.

Only few features are shown e.g. eyes, mouth and hair

Nikki awakes from her sleep

Nikki opens her eyes
The music starts to play

Sits up and we see the back of Nikki’s head.

Sits up on her bed and stretches out her hands, which signifies that she just woke up.
Then she steps out from her bed and walks to her closet, shuffles through her clothing’s then
takes her hoody from the hanger in her closet.

But we do not see Nikki’s wear the rest of her close except for her hoody


Music: Hip-Hop Rap – Post Production

Int: Bathroom

Nikki brushes her teeth and

Exits the bathroom with her head down

Int: Stairs

Nikki walks down the stairs with her head down which show that she’s depressed. She on her way to the kitchen

She walking down the stairs very slowly because she tired

Turns downstairs and walks directly into the kitchen

                                                                            Int: Kitchen

Nikki opens the fridge and she grabs out milk,
Nikki fills up her glass half full and she finishes her glass and walks towards the stairs

                                   She walks directly up the stairs to her room

Nikki sits on her bed and looks up and then pulls up her mattress
In a rush she pulls out a plastic bag which contains the gun she owns

She starts to cry very softly and tears drop down from her eyes.

                                           Her hand is shaking

She points out the gun like she going to shoot someone, whiles tears are dropping from her face. She is facing a mirror but we can only see her up to her lips.

She hears voices in her head of people who don’t like her and the bullies making statements about her and she hears people in school that she doesn’t know laughing loudly at her because she’s getting bullied.

(V.O)                  TOM:
                                                   I WILL KILL YOU

                                                        YOU’RE UGLY
                                                 SHUT UP YOU

                   LAUGHTER OF RANDOM PEOPLE

                                She puts the gun into her school bag

                                         She exits her bedroom

               Now she walking downstairs in a hurry directly to the door

       NIKKI: Bye Mum! I am off   (Aggressively)
        There’s no reply from her mother, Nikki leaves and slams the door

 Nikki is walking down the school road very slowly and enters the school premises

Monday 15 November 2010

Research (2)

I set extra research on were to get copy right music from

This web link explained what copy right free music is and I have thought of making my own music to use in this opening sequence
but I have already established to make a few own written songs with my music group called Dopeboyz and our music is Copy right free
but we will see if we want to use the music because it has to relate to the scene and story line of the opening sequence.

Also I Researched the basic stands of Camera shots that we could use in the opening sequence. In this video I gained more knowledge about the shots that can be used because I had the primary lines of shots from the lessons we had.
This Research I done on camera movements has helped me a lot because in class we wasnt told much about it:

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Feed Back

1. The text in the actual opening sequence should be a different colour so its clear but not to catchy so that viewer doesnt get distracted.
2.The music has to be more up paste to be more relevant to the final product.
3. Make use of more transcations to make it more interesting.
4.The location we chose is interesting becasue many don't use real houses for their school projects
5.The title at the end is very effective and make the audience crave for more of the film.


This moodboard shows the different moods and emotions we added into our character and also what kind of environment she in
e.g. Low esteemed , she a very low esteemed girl and doesnt know how to boost it up so she sits there in classes very quite.
Only her friend Sam gets her to talk.

My First Idea

Gun is being placed into a plastic bag and into the backpack whiles the credits are appearing.
Bag been worn on the shoulder, person picks up orange bandanna and exits the door.
Now down the road to school and enters the school premises.

Shaniqua smiles at everyone in school that she passes by.
RimgRing the first bell just went off... Precious comes running up to Shaniqua
Saying let’s go we got Business Studies now. Shanique replies Baby girl i cant be bothered with Business today I will catch you next lesson Iyte. Precious runs off
Shaniqua walks to her locker and inserts her backpack carefully into her locker.
Then the boy that she in love with walks towards her. POW he gave her a little punch like why didn't you call me last night. I was proper waiting for your call B.
Her face changes she looks utterly confused she replies when on earth did you tell me to call you?
As he is about to reply the head teacher calls him out...He walks out very slowly.
Shaniqua was checking the environment every single second and she watched her watch like tomorrow wasn't going to come.
She pulls out a orange bandanna out of her bra and puts it into her locked. With wide, scary eyes she looking around the room to make sure it's secure.
She locked her locker and walked towards her 2nd Lesson. There she sees precious coming toward her, she was the only girl she hanged around with in school.
Precious approaches her and goes Aaaah Business studies was dead out but still what's your  family saying? 
Shaniqua replies there all selfish bastards; tell me about it Precious replies.
Whats Ruff Sqaud saying then? Shaniqua goes them man are all blessed, real family out there but someone is going to die today.
Precious laughhsss.... Wait are you being for real?
Shaniqua grins and says watch and learn this is what you get for representing the other side and chatting my endz. Who are you talking about? Precious replies 
Shaniqua Shaniqua who are you talking about man??
She replies Christal.    Precious replies Oh!Her.. I Kind of knew she was on the road things just wasn't sure what she was repping.

Break Time now....
Shaniqua runs to her locker opens and her bag is gone. Damn she whispered
she started panicking she looks across the room and sees her Loverboy with her bag, she runs to him and demands the bag back. He then goes you need to give me something in return because someone else could have stole your bag so its either you lips me or your bag is getting opened and emptied out. 
She had no choice because the bag container important items so she took him to a corner and did what she had to do.
She got her bag back and checked her watch it was 11.35Am on the dot then she said to herself 
Christal should be arriving to school in exactly 5 minutes and she won’t be seeing her first lesson boy!   She grinned
She hooded her head up when she got outside the room and walked to the area
in the school were there wasn't any sight of CCTV.
She strapped the gun down her trousers like in the movies.
Then she picked her Blackberry from her pocket and made a call to one of her gang brothers saying: 
Yo, Covenant you man come now. We’re going to catch the girl slipping in my school the person on the line started calling out different names. 5 Minutes later when lesson started and no one was walking 
Then about 15 hooded up guys ran into the school premises.
The first sight they saw Christal grabbed her and rushed her until she was bleeding then Shaniqua 
came running she stood still and said "God in Heaven Forgive Me".
Two shots hit Christal to the chest.
That was it 
It was over they scattered different directions outside the school even Shaniqua.
She purposely dropped a orange bandannna over Christal's body before running off.
Same day Headline "Beautiful girl shot dead in school"

Treatment - No Destiny

Treatment- No destiny

Genre: Drama, Action
Ideas from two teenage deaths happening in London

Nikki is a lonely 15 year old girl in her own world. She doesn’t like anyone from her family and she doesn’t like anyone in school accept one girl called Samantha, which is her closest friend. Everyone in her area judges her based on the way she looks. They tend to gossip about her behind her back, but she knows they talk about her.
She knows that everyone else hates her but she doesn’t react, she sees herself as a very weak person. Very low self esteem.

On a casual morning
Nikki wakes up from her sleep then she gets dressed and walks down the stairs to the kitchen
Nikki walks to the fridge; pulls out milk and pours her glass half full. When she finished her milk she walks back up stairs and sits down on her bed, she pulls up her mattress and pulls out the plastic bag containing the gun then she pulls out the gun and pointing it outside like she is ready to shoot someone. She then tragically starts crying she then puts the gun in her school bag and walks downstairs with her schoolbag on her back. She tells her mum goodbye and then exits her house.

. 10 mins later she’s down the road from sixth form then enters the premises. At first sight she sees Sam walking to her; they exchange a few words of dialogue about what they had done during the weekend. The first bell rings and everyone goes off to lesson, however Nikki decides not to go to lesson and Sam leaves her. She then texts Sam saying “I’m waiting for you come near the canteen”.

Nikki then starts to roam about on the school premises. She then decides to go to the toilet, but then sees the bullies that she’s feared for years.

One of the bullies calls out “Oi Nikki puss comes here”. She starts to walk in the opposite direction, but they catch up with her and drag her outside. They then start to beat her up; she’s screaming, but everyone is in class.

They run off and she stands up and she can hear voices in her head of people laughing at her. Then she starts to cry; she then runs off to the toilet and she sits down in the corner crying.

She clenches her bag and then drops it. The gun falls out of the bag. She starts to shake and then picks up the gun and then we see the outside of the toilet. A loud bang goes off!

Feedback from first pitch

“Likes it that it’s a school drama and we can relate to it because it happens a lot today”

“The way we have the letters on the fridge and on the milk is creative”.

“Likes the use of imagery”.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Video related to our Opening Sequence

Kelly Rowland - Stole
Music video Relates absolutely with our whole story
the story of girl gettin bullied and end up commiting self suicide
from this video. The way hands are moving whiles holding the bag
shows the anger the guy is going through and as in our opening
sequence the girl has a gun in her bag and without showing her face
we are trying to figure out to show the anger and pain she having in life.
After watching this music clip I have realised that this could be accomplished
by showing her clenching her hands or just grabbing the bag in a manner of way
like the boy in this video did. Also the camera shots of everything close up is
very effective and Ive seen the impact it creates on the viewer so this is the kind
of idea we could include in our opening sequence.
Our Story line followes this music video's idea as well so there more that we as a group can learn from it.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Examples of Opening Sequences


Whats are director's aims?
To make the audience get a little idea of what the movie is based on
as you see the father and son it shows you a little info on the genre.
but i keeps the audience thinking on "what next?" And the genre he makes the
audience he think it is , isnt what it really is. Its A Thriller

What are the audience thinking, wondering, feeling, asking?
Audience is wondering what kind of dad is he? Thinking any normal father would
sent their son off like that its the usual but then its also got the audience thinking is this father experienced.
It makes the audience feel comfortable and just seeing the father to son relationship happening their
of father dropping son to school and telling him to be good in school. But thats what the director wants us to think thats its a very nice movie when it isnt.

How does this engage the audience?
It engages the audience because its something parents with kids would do in everyday life
its the usual to engage with. It put you behind the fathers seat and lets audience feel involved in the
communication happening and when the father sends of his son the camera positions right next to the father
which surely engages us as the audience.

What are your favourite bits in these clips? Why?
The scene were he sends his son off to school and he's like be very good in school
its my favourite bit because my dad use to do that me! :)

The Naked Gun

What are director’s aims?
To introduce the storyline , the title at the beginning doesnt sound serious itself.
Directors aims is to no expose too much of whats going to happen thats why its like
the camera is placed on top of the police car and whiles its driving stupid/funny things happen

What are the audience thinking, wondering, feeling, asking?
The audience are wondering huh whats going on here? Asking how can a police car drive like this ?

How does this engage the audience?
The audience are engaged when the car is driving and its feels like your on the car and everything thats happening is also happening whiles your on top of the car. And thats what makes it funny and enteraining .

What are your favourite bits in these clips? Why?
Were the car drives on the pavement and all the foot passengers jumping out the way in crazy ways because its very funny and mad the way they jump.

Sunday 31 October 2010

My First Idea

                                      No Mercy

Opening Scene
Gun is being placed into a plastic bag and into the backpack whiles the credits are appearing.
Bag been worn on the shoulder, person picks up orange bandanna and exits the door.
Now down the road to school and enters the school premises.
Fades Blackout
Shaniqua smiles at everyone in school that she passes by.
RimgRing the first bell just went off... Precious comes running up to Shaniqua
Saying let’s go we got Business Studies now. Shanique replies Baby girl i cant be bothered with Business today I will catch you next lesson Iyte. Precious runs off
Shaniqua walks to her locker and inserts her backpack carefully into her locker.
Then the boy that she in love with walks towards her. POW he gave her a little punch like why didn't you call me last night. I was proper waiting for your call B.
Her face changes she looks utterly confused she replies when on earth did you tell me to call you?
As he is about to reply the head teacher calls him out...He walks out very slowly.
Shaniqua was checking the environment every single second and she watched her watch like tomorrow wasn't going to come.
She pulls out a orange bandanna out of her bra and puts it into her locked. With wide, scary eyes she looking around the room to make sure it's secure.
She locked her locker and walked towards her 2nd Lesson. There she sees precious coming toward her, she was the only girl she hanged around with in school.
Precious approaches her and goes Aaaah Business studies was dead out but still what's your  family saying? 
Shaniqua replies there all selfish bastards; tell me about it Precious replies.
Whats Ruff Sqaud saying then? Shaniqua goes them man are all blessed, real family out there but someone is going to die today.
Precious laughhsss.... Wait are you being for real?
Shaniqua grins and says watch and learn this is what you get for representing the other side and chatting my endz. Who are you talking about? Precious replies 
Shaniqua Shaniqua who are you talking about man??
She replies Christal.    Precious replies Oh!Her.. I Kind of knew she was on the road things just wasn't sure what she was repping.

Break Time now....
Shaniqua runs to her locker opens and her bag is gone. Damn she whispered
she started panicking she looks across the room and sees her Loverboy with her bag, she runs to him and demands the bag back. He then goes you need to give me something in return because someone else could have stole your bag so its either you lips me or your bag is getting opened and emptied out. 
She had no choice because the bag container important items so she took him to a corner and did what she had to do.
She got her bag back and checked her watch it was 11.35Am on the dot then she said to herself 
Christal should be arriving to school in exactly 5 minutes and she won’t be seeing her first lesson boy!   She grinned
She hooded her head up when she got outside the room and walked to the area
in the school were there wasn't any sight of CCTV.
She strapped the gun down her trousers like in the movies.
Then she picked her Blackberry from her pocket and made a call to one of her gang brothers saying: 
Yo, Covenant you man come now. We’re going to catch the girl slipping in my school the person on the line started calling out different names. 5 Minutes later when lesson started and no one was walking 
Then about 15 hooded up guys ran into the school premises.
The first sight they saw Christal grabbed her and rushed her until she was bleeding then Shaniqua 
came running she stood still and said "God in Heaven Forgive Me".
Two shots hit Christal to the chest.
That was it 
It was over they scattered different directions outside the school even Shaniqua.
She purposely dropped a orange bandannna over Christal's body before running off.
Same day Headline "Beautiful girl shot dead in school"

Wednesday 20 October 2010

News Research & Ideas

20-year-old student named police chief in Mexico town
She was the only one to accept job in violence-wracked part of country

The Girl who is Police Chief and i controlling everything from phones and computers
And sets commands

The story could be a 20 year old girl who is police chief and is confused on the job at first but then discovers things and takes action to save to neighbourhood and make it a safer environment. Fighting criminals and doing good deals by solving the drugs related issues.
Opening sequence related to our school environment could be a girl walking through a door of a police office , looking kind of nervous. With a adventurous kind of music to make the viewer wonder why would that kind of music be playing in this kind of scene. Then the camera just watches the door shut behind the girl and the girl walks to her desk to start her work. The Genre would be action, romance and family. And of the female's in our group could play this role and the opening sequence would stop exaclty at the point were she sits behind the computer to make the viewer wonder whats she doing there... is she a police?criminal? or who is she? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/39760545/ns/world_news-americas/

Kanye West Talks Near Suicide
Kanye West reveals that he was suicidal after the avalanche of bad press he got following his 2009 MTV Video Music Awards outburst at Taylor Swift. He was also depressed over his mom’s tragic death in 2007.

The Story would start of as someone acting as Kanye West “ME”. And it just goes through his life like Autobiography like to him becoming famous because he was a college drop out and that could be played.
Opening sequence would be Actor on the floor and it rewinds back to were the actor stands up and takes out the injection out of his arm and walks back out of the door. It would then lead on to telling the story of how his life was and what happened after his mother had died. Genre : Autobiography & Drama.