About Me

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JMA The Jesse Michealangelo Anim. Member of DopeBoyz Student At Barking Abbey Studying Media Studies,Photography , Business and ICT. I Enjoy socialising with people either over the internet or physical, I am a very odd person but in a good way ive been told lol! The guy with the Hightop they call me ;) Im Currently in Year 12. Blackstar Ghanaian Not your average type. Im on some next hype, I Love to Enjoy my life..CHRISTIAN 4 LIFE! Im looking forward to Passing Media Studies with a Banging Grade Want to Know More Just Get At Me ;) jmichealangelo@hotmail.co.uk

Monday 13 December 2010

Cast List

Cast List

Camera Man: Jesse Michealangelo Anim

Director: Josh Whincup

Assistant Director: Jesse Anim

Actress: Deborah Oyelade

Continuity: Abigail Fajobi

Sound: Mark Fish

The reasons why each of us were assigned this job in the production is because I as a camera had a good idea of how to take control of the camera and looking at the way I used the camera in the Prelim task I felt confident to make use of the camera again.
Josh was assigned Director mainly because he is the one that knows how to tackle on a task and tell people what to do so he had the power to direct everyone and himself to make this production successfull.
Deborah was the right material for the character so she was assigned as the actress. Looking at the attitude and physical looks we could picture our character.
The coninuity job was assigned to Abigail because she had the right mind and perspective to make the continuity flow properly and make our film look outstanding and as result she did make this happen so she was given the right job.
Mark Fish from the music department did our music because we needed someone that could make music and make use of it for our sequence. We wasnt allowed to copyright music so having someone that could make it would make things easier and it did.
In all the cast list was perfect we came out with the best sequence in all
and the team work worked perfectly fine. We got along and complimented
eachother whilse doing this sequence.

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