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JMA The Jesse Michealangelo Anim. Member of DopeBoyz Student At Barking Abbey Studying Media Studies,Photography , Business and ICT. I Enjoy socialising with people either over the internet or physical, I am a very odd person but in a good way ive been told lol! The guy with the Hightop they call me ;) Im Currently in Year 12. Blackstar Ghanaian Not your average type. Im on some next hype, I Love to Enjoy my life..CHRISTIAN 4 LIFE! Im looking forward to Passing Media Studies with a Banging Grade Want to Know More Just Get At Me ;) jmichealangelo@hotmail.co.uk

Thursday 20 January 2011

Question 2

In our film we included and focused on various social groups like bullies, abusive parents, lonely teenagers and teenagers with no future. We wanted it to fit on with how some teenager’s life and we as a group put our thoughts together to create the character Nikki.

Nikki is a girl who lives the life of pure loneliness but no one knows about it because she hides it.
She is living with no purpose however she is a bright child but she doesn’t know what she’s doing with her life because of the past events that had happened to her. 
The Character in Kidult hood (…….) she gets bullied in school for no particular reasons and gets beaten up in class by girls. This is what leads her committing suicide because no one cares about her. Family finds a while after reading the letter and seeing their daughter hanged herself in her room. Also comparing to this character in a music video called Stole by Kelly Rowland she plays the same role as our character.
In the music video the character gets bullied in school by many people and that’s exactly what happens to Nikki further in the film as well. At a point he can’t take it anymore so he decides to go the toilets and shoots himself. A girl, who is alluded to have known the boy, walks by and hears the shooting, goes into the bathroom, finds his body and calls the police. Rowland explains that after his death many of his classmates mentioned either never talking to the boy or treating him like an outsider.]

  • She is Black Jamaican
  • Young, Aged 15 and attends 6th Form
  • Beautiful and has amazing talents
  • Occupation: She attends Barking Abbey 6th Form and has a little part time job
  • Sexuality : Confused lesbian

A lonely girl in her own world she doesn’t like anyone in her family and her neighbourhood is a place were no one communicates with each other so her making any friends wouldn’t be possible because every one minds there own businees. Reasoning for no one really caring about her leads to her having feelings for the only friend she has.
Her best friend. Sam
Everyday for Nikki it’s the same routine of going school bunking a few lessons them come home and stay in her bedroom and listen to music.
She is very intelligent but depression and loneliness has brought her down the drain.
Hatred is pumping through her veins , there is no one she enjoys seeing except for her friend Sam.
The memories of her seeing her brother die at a young tender age and her father leaving her mother has broke down all her feelings and her future. This is also one of the reasons why it leads to tragic ending. We made Nikki have a contrast to the world and the way she was feeling and how we did that was the background of her bedroom and kitchen looked very luxury this makes the audience think that everything is alright with this Character. And that’s the trick we have added in because she living the kind of double life were at home everything is nice and calm for her but crazy things running through her head whiles in 6th form everything is like seriously miserable for her and she doesn’t know how to handle things.

We added in the kind of slow music with the beat but we should have done it more on a faster tempo because it’s a teen living in the urban area and is influenced by these kinds of urban things.

The social group of teenagers with no future is the main one we had that’s the reason for choosing Deborah Oyelade to play this characters role is because she fits perfectly with what we pictured Nikki to look like, Abigail wasn’t the essential idea of Nikki for matters of size and attitude. We had Deborah bring in her own thoughts of the character that relates to her and that worked so we went for this decision of choosing her. Also she in our group so making sure she was there when we needed her as a group was easy. Deborah is also the type you would see and think she would never carry a knife around with her and that what we build up to make Nikki.

Even the setting of the location we put her in relates to the social group we chose because many wake up in the morning doing the things Nikki does and also many have messy rooms. Overall I think our film opening sequence represents particular social groups effectively and therefore appeals to people, especially those who belong to these social groups.

We had the actress make her hair all frizzy and had her look ruff reasons for this is that we didn’t want the character to be very girly so that’s when we also brought in the aspect of her wearing the hood.

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