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JMA The Jesse Michealangelo Anim. Member of DopeBoyz Student At Barking Abbey Studying Media Studies,Photography , Business and ICT. I Enjoy socialising with people either over the internet or physical, I am a very odd person but in a good way ive been told lol! The guy with the Hightop they call me ;) Im Currently in Year 12. Blackstar Ghanaian Not your average type. Im on some next hype, I Love to Enjoy my life..CHRISTIAN 4 LIFE! Im looking forward to Passing Media Studies with a Banging Grade Want to Know More Just Get At Me ;) jmichealangelo@hotmail.co.uk

Thursday 27 January 2011

Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back my Preliminary task there so much that i have learnt in summary this was the task we had to do: a character walking through a door and from there the story could be anything. We had a little school love scene were by there was 2 characters a female and male actor. Variety of shots must be used e.g. shot/reverse shot, long shot, mid shot, close-up shot, and 180 degrees.
For the Main task we had to make a 2 minute opening sequence no longer than 2 minutes and this had to include titles, various shot use , good story line and also attract the audience we are targeting.
I feel that the movement from the Preliminary task to Main task has taught me many new techniques /skills and have developed and progressed highly.

The preliminary brief and overall task was kept very easy our group knew what to do and how to go on about it. We only had a limited amount of camera training to make a proper successful task but it was well within our range of knowledge. Focusing on the continuity and camera techniques such as shot reverse shot and 180 degree rule was the main goal and was of importance.

The main task brief seemed much more detailed to me as i knew that it was going to be a lot more work and effort which ment dedicating more of my own time on it and also more team work because it was a bigger task compared to the preliminary task. Not only was the media product going to be longer, but there were going to be more camera angles, techniques. New camera techniques were introduced to us and they were more advanced. Also because we started afresh with new group things were just more difficult because i was more attached to the group from the Preliminary task.

A storyboard
Shooting schedule
Dialogue script for our final idea.
But for the main task we also had to create:
Additional redrafted storyboards
Photo storyboards
Props lists
Casts lists
Prepare rehearsal dates
These were all the things we had to use for the production , were it came to planning we drew up a storyboard which helped us know what exactly we was going to do.
In the premilimary task we was on a basic level of learning media studies and using the camera set now that we have advanced. All these equipments we used made the filming of full product better.
Like the storyboard was made so that each member was on the same ground and understood what was going on.
The shooting sheduele made us understand and keep track of the timing of shots this was especially important to me because I was camera man so I had to get all of this right to make this main task product complete and successfull.
Dialogue script made clear of everything that was going to be said in the opening sequence there was much dialogue used because its only the opening sequence so we didnt want to give too much away.

Looking at the production
In the Preliminary task we didnt have much time to do everything because it was a simple exercise for out Main task as for me i was the camera man / operator so i had more in hand but i understood my role as camera operator achieved the shots that's we wanted. Due to time restraints of the preliminary task, i felt that the main task ran much more smoothly as i was more familiar with the equipment,i knew which shots would work and which wouldn't, and we were able to take our time in making the film look as professional as possible. We did have some complications at times but we worked as a team and figured things out and thats what i progressed from the Preliminary task as well. Developing of team working was one major thing i learnt more commitment and harder work put into the product so it came down to time keeping and making sure things were doing properly.Time management was extremely important in the Main Task  for organisation and efficiency within the group and also having a shooting schedule helps you keep on track with your shots.
In the preliminary task we had to keep the film very simple and short. The storyline was basic as the main aim was to make it flow and too keep the continuity. The editing process made this possible through our basic knowledge of digitising,assemble edits,copy and pasting.razoring ,little transations and re-ordering but this all developed once we got to Main task.

When it came down to the Feedback & Evaluation was the final stage of both projects and both were important in helping me realise my progress from the preliminary task to the main. Receiving feedback throughout the whole project is really important to keep improving it and finding out if it attracts the audience particularly in the main task.However, for the preliminary task, we didn't have to consider the target audience or any character profiles as it was constructed for media students’ learning experience to see how we handle our first media production.

Overall i have learnt that team work is the most important thing and working with different people is a good thing moving from Preliminary task to Main task and learnt all different techniques.

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