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JMA The Jesse Michealangelo Anim. Member of DopeBoyz Student At Barking Abbey Studying Media Studies,Photography , Business and ICT. I Enjoy socialising with people either over the internet or physical, I am a very odd person but in a good way ive been told lol! The guy with the Hightop they call me ;) Im Currently in Year 12. Blackstar Ghanaian Not your average type. Im on some next hype, I Love to Enjoy my life..CHRISTIAN 4 LIFE! Im looking forward to Passing Media Studies with a Banging Grade Want to Know More Just Get At Me ;) jmichealangelo@hotmail.co.uk

Monday 7 March 2011

Question 3

Question 3.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The media term of distribute would be spreading the media products you have e.g. a film would be advertisements, flyers, posters, souvenirs etc. It’s to get the product out in the world for it to sell this happens whenever a film is released even before the film it happens. In our case we didn’t distribute out film because it’s a low budget film that was used for class work.
Our film is an independent film and has a very low budget because it’s not very advanced. It’s also not well known so it’s a low possibility for it to be shown on the big screens. Our cast is also low and unknown people unlike the Hollywood cast/actors so it will not be distributed like a big blockbuster movie. We didn’t spend any kind of money on this media product because it in a pupils house however there was a lot that had to be done.
After research I discovered one company that might distribute our media product http://www.lionsgate.com/ (Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation) There out there distributing independent films like ours and end up bringing success to these kind of independent films. The film distributor plays a massive and important role in the film industry because companies like Lionsgate are there to help films like ours to make some success to make some money out of the film. Distribution is part of the whole production that is very vital if the film wants to gain something from making that film and if they want to grow an audience and also if they want the film to be shown on big screens because the job of a distributing company is to convince the exhibitor by using several marketing techniques, the distributor makes the exhibitor believe they will profit financially by showing the film.
I also found out about http://www.dinamo.co.uk/ ( Dinamo Production) which is based in Wales. Dinamo is an innovative and highly skilled animation production company founded in 2004. They produce high quality 2D and 3D Digital Animation and Visual Effects for TV, film and the web. They also offer design, illustration and storyboard services and can consult on a variety of different production processes. For our kind of films dinamo would be a good use of help to get out film out there. They have distributed films like:
Won the Pulcinella Award. Works with BBC Wales, CBBC and others.
  • The ways a company like these two would distribute our film could be done in various ways : posters, newspaper and magazine advertisements, television commercials, trailers, and other types of ads whilst making sure that the film is in fact shown in the particular theatre. Theatres it can be shown at are places like :
  •  Mortlake & Barnes Film Club

            Southwark Leisure Services
            Brockley Jack Film Society
            Broadway Theatre
           David Lean Cinema
These are all Independent screens based in London and there not known at all to many people simple because its independent and not many seem to know much about independent film centres.
One institution that would be interested in distributing our film would be The British Film Institute (http://www.bfi.org.uk/about/whatwedo.html )   which is a large filming institute that promotes understanding and appreciation of Britain's films they have distributed many films and in our case they would also be able to help our film get distributed.
Even if we didn’t get involved with any of these companies there is a possible way of distributing ourselves that would be by Using YouTube would be a fast, cheap and accessible way to get a film out on a more global scale due to word of mouth, emails and our viewing figures however it would be very hard to have people on youtube to view your independent film because there is over 3 Million videos on youtube and our film would be in a extreme competition. Overall distributing of a film isn’t a 1,2 process there so much to do within it and beside that your film has to be good for people to come and watch it.

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